its intestinal parasite (Eubothrium crassum)2007Ingår i: Journal of Fish Biology, the European Union's Global Role / [ed] Ekengren, Magnus & Simons, Greg, 


Andersen, К. I. (1975) The functional morphology of the Diphyllobothrium Andersen, К. I. (1976) Adaptation in intestinal worms to the life in the gut of vertebrates. Berl ong> ong>an ong>d ong>, B.,Bristow, G. (1990) Eubothrium crassum 

Se hela listan på Intestinum crassum . 1 - tunica mucosa : vili ( - ), crypt L (+) Colon 2 - tunica submucosa 3 - tunica muscularis propria 4 - tunica serosa Content:Introduction 0:00Parts of the Large Intestine 0:23Caecum and the Appendix 1:29Positions of the Appendix 03:30Ascending Colon 4:12Transverse Colon 5:3 large intestine n. The portion of the intestine that extends from the ileum to the anus, forming an arch around the convolutions of the small intestine and including the cecum Se hela listan på The longest, but narrowest part of the intestine. The part in which digestion and absorption of food is performed. The small intestine extends from the outlet of the stomach (the PYLORUS) to the CAECUM at the start of the large intestine (COLON), and consists of the DUODENUM, the JEJUNUM and the ILEUM. Der Dickdarm (lateinisch Intestinum crassum) ist der letzte Teil des Verdauungstraktes der Wirbeltiere und damit auch des Menschen. Er ist der Teil des Darms, der nach dem Dünndarm beginnt und an der Kloake oder am Anus endet.

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Description. The large intestine extends from the end of the ileum to the anus. It is about 1.5 meters long, being one-fifth of the whole extent of the intestinal canal. Its caliber is largest at its commencement at the cecum, and gradually diminishes as far as the rectum, where there is a dilatation of considerable size just above the anal canal. Intestinum crassum .

кишка толстая — (intestinum crassum, PNA, BNA, JNA) отдел кишечника, следующий за тонкой К., в котором завершается переваривание и всасывание пищевых веществ, происходит всасывание воды и образование кала; К. т. включает слепую, ободочную и прямую К …

The branches of the pars abdominalis aortae and the pelvic arteries can be divided into the five major areas they supply. The longest, but narrowest part of the intestine. The part in which digestion and absorption of food is performed. The small intestine extends from the outlet of the stomach (the PYLORUS) to the CAECUM at the start of the large intestine (COLON), and consists of the DUODENUM, the JEJUNUM and the ILEUM.

Intestinum crassum function

The Large Bowel (Intestinum Crassum). Function; Shape and Position; Mucosa of the Large Intestine; Movements of the Large Bowel; Closure of the Anus.

Intestinum crassum function


Intestinum crassum function

The final digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients, and the movement of chyme occur in the The digestive tube passing from the stomach to the anus.
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Intestinum crassum function

intestinum crassum) is distally adjacent to the small intestine, extending from the ileocecal valve to the anus. It is divided into the cecum with vermiform appendix, colon, and rectum. Thus, it forms the terminal The intestine then swings down and centrally as the sigmoid colon and continues as the rectum and the anal canal. The main function of the colon is to reabsorb water from the bowel contents.

Description. The large intestine, also known as the large bowel, is the last part of the gastrointestinal tract and of the digestive system in vertebrates.Water is absorbed here and the remaining waste material is stored as feces before being removed by defecation. Description.
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Tłumaczenie 'Intestinum crassum' na język polski w darmowym słowniku terminów anatomicznych polsko-łacińsko-angielskim

Functions •Ingest food •Break down food •Move through digestive tract •Absorb digested food and water •Eliminates waste materials Funktion • Ta upp näringsämnen – Finfördelning • Dela upp födans makromolekyler till absorberbara delar (enskilda aminosyror, monosackarider, FFA). Katalyseras av enzymer från munspottkörtlar, esofageala, pyloruskörtlar, pankreas. Gallsekretion från levern bidrar till att finfördela fett. – Absorption • Finfördelade födan absorberas.

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The tubular portion of the digestive tract, usually between the stomach and the cloaca or anus. The detailed functions vary with the region, but are primarily digestion and absorption of food.

The function of the large intestine is to absorb water, form and remove stools - undigested food residues. The length of the large intestine is about 160 cm. alimentary canal, alimentary tract, digestive tract, digestive tube, gastrointestinal tract, GI tract - tubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending about 8.3 meters from mouth to anus; functions in digestion and elimination LARGE INTESTINE (lat. Intestinum crassum) the large intestine functions: a. absorption Of water b. production Of mucus c. formation of the undigested material into feces Anatomically: cecum , vermiform appendix, ascending, transverse, descending colon, rectum and anal canal Transverse colon Ascending colon Cecum Vermiform appendix Rectum 2.