I used the old AC-powered version of the Carl Martin for a long time. It's very good. I've since replaced it with two smaller things: a Keeley GC-2 and an Origin Cali76-CD. The newer Keely GC-2 and Compressor Pro are based around the same family of VCA chips as the Carl Martin, although not the exact same part.
The Carl Martin Andy Timmons Signature Compressor/Limiter! Just like the Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter, we believe this unit to be the most musically useful guitar dynamics processor on the market. The Carl Martin Andy Timmons Signature Compressor/Limiter has been developed in corporation with Andy Timmons to create a user-friendly yet versatile compressor/limiter with its two presets.
IN STOCK. carlcompress. Free Shipping Mainland UK. Quick View. Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter Pedal. Pre-Owned Carl Martin Andy Timmons Signature Compressor/Limiter Pedal.
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The GC-2 and the Carl Martin sound pretty similar. They are amazingly quiet, with next to no "pumping" artifacts. Does the Carl Martin have any EQ'ing options? nah, it's more like a straight-up "real" compressor, with controls for ratio ("comp"), threshold, attack time ("resp") and make-up gain.
Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter has been specially developed to incorporate the same features and sonic clarity found in high quality professional studio
Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter has been specially developed to incorporate the same features and sonic clarity found in high quality professional studio compressors. To achieve this we incorporated a variable threshold, -variable compression ratio, -variable attack and release controls and of course, a gain level. Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter has been specially developed to incorporate the same features and sonic clarity found in high quality professional studio compressors.
34 aanbiedingen in april - Koop of Verkoop carl martin op Marktplaats - Bekijk Lokale Aanbiedingen! Verkoop eenvoudig carl martin.
(Stockholm). 600:- Köp Carl Martin Two Faze, beg. (Stockholm). 1400:- Köp. Carlin phase Kompressor Pedaler, Keeley Compressor Plus, Boss CP-1x Compressor, TC Electronic HyperGravity Compressor, Carl Martin Classic Opto-Compressor.
All from subtle compression effects to stabilize the signal and even more heavy coloured sounds with a lot of compression the Carl Martin Comp / Limiter master with confidence. Overview Put a pro-level compressor beneath your foot! The Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter Pedal was specially developed to incorporate the same features and sonic clarity found in high-quality professional studio compressors. To achieve this Carl Martin Show More
Just like the Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter, we believe this unit to be the most musically useful guitar dynamics processor on the market. The Carl Martin Andy Timmons Signature Compressor/Limiter has been developed in corporation with Andy Timmons to create a user-friendly yet versatile compressor/limiter with its two presets.
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The company is based in Grenaa, Denmark. Timeline (by Søren Jongberg ) Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter. Carl Martin Contour'n Boost. Carl Martin Crunch Drive.
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Carl Martin was founded by Carl Martin and Søren Jongberg (who runs the company today). The company is based in Grenaa, Denmark. Timeline (by Søren Jongberg ) Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter. Carl Martin Contour'n Boost. Carl Martin Crunch Drive. Carl Martin DC Factory. Carl Martin DeLayla.
$199.95. Carl Martin Classic Opto Compressor Guitar Effects Pedal. 0 of 5 stars. Product Price.
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Circuit, Analog. Main FX, Compressor. Manufacturer, Carl Martin. Series, Vintage Series. Size (Dimensions W x D X H in mm), 120 x 95 x 56. Made In, China
(IVA incluido ). Con este producto acumulas 1,74 € de recompensa. + . The Carl Martin compression pedal can go from a very mild soft compression to really hard, beefed-up compression at full right. The gain knob will be interactive Effektpedal Carl Martin Compressor Limiter Pedal Compressor / Limiter Effekt in Studio Qualität Regler für Depth, Speed Schalter für Threshold, Compressor, CARL MARTIN COMPRESSOR LIMITERの最安値を見つけよう!全国各地のお店 の価格情報がリアルタイムにわかるのは価格.comならでは。製品レビューや Carl Martin AC-Tone Single Channel Pedal. £129.00 · 1 in stock · Carl Martin Compressor Limiter Pedal. £219.00 · Pre-order · Carl Martin PlexiTone Single Looking for the Carl Martin Danish High End Compressor/Limiter?